California Landscape Consultants

Be Fire Smart!

April 30, 2014

Be Fire Smart!

High winds and hot, dry weather = fire threat

Southern California is experiencing extremely hot, dry weather, compounded by powerful Santa Ana winds, gusting up to 75 mph in some areas, prompting red flag warnings.  Temperatures in some areas could reach 100°.   The prolonged drought has made the threat of fire very high. 

Homeowners can take measures to keep fire from their homes. 

  • Clear leaves and debris from gutters, eaves, patios and decks.
  • Keep your lawn hydrated and clear all brush and dead vegetation away from house.
  • Keep tree tops pruned.
  • When planting, choose native fire-resistant landscape.





High winds and hot, dry weather = fire threat

Southern California is experiencing extremely hot, dry weather, compounded by high winds.  Powerful Santa Ana winds are gusting up to 75 mph in some areas, prompting red flag warnings.  Temperatures in some areas could reach 100°.   The prolonged drought has made the threat of fire very high. 

Homeowners can take measures to keep fire from their homes.

  • Clear leaves and debris from gutters, eaves, porches and decks.
  • Keep your lawn hydrated and clear all brush and dead vegetation away from house.
  • Keep tree tops pruned.
  • Don’t let debris and lawn cuttings linger. Dispose of these items quickly to reduce fuel for fire.
  • When planting, choose native fire-resistant landscape.