Attraction of roses has long pedigree
/in Blog /by Pamela PrencesvalleThis is the third and final article in a series on roses. The first article reviewed the groups of commercial roses that are available today and the major characteristics of each group. The second article covered site selection, bed preparation, planting procedures, as well as good cultural practices for growing roses. This article addresses the […]
Growing roses can bring satisfaction to homeowners
/in Blog /by Pamela PrencesvalleFor the homeowner who enjoys gardening, an immense amount of satisfaction can come from growing roses. Regardless of individual preferences, roses offer something for everyone. They can be found in every color, shape and size imaginable. Roses can be used in landscape designs ranging from casual to extremely formal. Enjoyment of roses does not end […]
Roses Can Be Versatile And Beautiful
/in Blog /by Pamela PrencesvalleRoses add a touch of elegance to the home garden or landscape. Roses are very versatile and there is a tremendous selection from which to choose. They can be used for almost all landscape purposes, with the exception of providing shade. In fact, a rose exists for practically every landscape design feature that requires the […]
California’s Groundwater
/in Blog /by Pamela PrencesvalleThe management and preservation of Groundwater has become an urgent topic in California’s water plan. Groundwater provides an important adjunct to the State’s rainfall, snow melt, and Colorado River import. As with surface storage, underground reservoirs have the potential to store huge volumes of water that can be relatively easily accessed. According to the California […]
Water Audits Procedures
/in Blog /by Pamela PrencesvalleWBA conducts water audits for all sizes of turfgrass and landscape. A client can expect the following steps to be completed and a detailed compilation of reports to be submitted. Initial Visit An initial visit to the designated area will be done; meeting with the superintendent and maintenance staff. An area will be selected to […]
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