WBA develops IPM programs that include proper plant selection, good cultural practices, and the judicious use of chemical and non-chemical control methods.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach to pest control that utilizes regular monitoring to determine if and when treatments are needed. IPM employs physical, mechanical, cultural, biological and educational tactics to keep pest numbers low enough to prevent intolerable damage or annoyance.

Integrated Pest Management


  • Sustainability through the impacts of nature and use
  • Preservation and enhancement of the ecosystem
  • Mitigation of risks to surface water and the saturation zone
  • Reduced pesticide use
  • Compliance with all Federal, State, and local requirements
  • Actively advance least-toxic management strategies

Best Management Practice Goals

  • To reduce offsite transport of sediment, nutrients, and pesticides.
  • To control the rate, method, and type of chemical being applied.
  • To reduce total chemical loads by use of IPM, economic thresholds, alternate pest control options, and fertility testing.
  • To use both biological and mechanical soil and water conservation practices.

IPM Credentials

  • Pest Control Advisers License – California Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • Qualified Applicators License – California Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • Qualified Applicators Certificate – California Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • Pesticide Use of Turf and Ornamental Plants – University of California Extension Class