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Golf Course Assessments for the Price of $4950November 12, 2020 - 5:19 am
William Baker & Associates LLC is offering golf course assessments for the price of a fertilizer application for a limited time only. This includes a comprehensive review and detailed report of all agronomic and operational activities related to golf course management. Categories of inspection include staffing levels, training, operational efficiency, course conditioning, budget comparisons and value received, licensing and regulatory compliance, record keeping and reporting, […]
Attraction of roses has long pedigreeNovember 6, 2020 - 8:57 pm
This is the third and final article in a series on roses. The first article reviewed the groups of commercial roses that are available today and the major characteristics of each group. The second article covered site selection, bed preparation, planting procedures, as well as good cultural practices for growing roses. This article addresses the […]
Growing roses can bring satisfaction to homeownersOctober 8, 2020 - 9:57 pm
For the homeowner who enjoys gardening, an immense amount of satisfaction can come from growing roses. Regardless of individual preferences, roses offer something for everyone. They can be found in every color, shape and size imaginable. Roses can be used in landscape designs ranging from casual to extremely formal. Enjoyment of roses does not end […]
Roses Can Be Versatile And BeautifulAugust 13, 2020 - 2:00 am
Roses add a touch of elegance to the home garden or landscape. Roses are very versatile and there is a tremendous selection from which to choose. They can be used for almost all landscape purposes, with the exception of providing shade. In fact, a rose exists for practically every landscape design feature that requires the […]
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